Gerald Crawford: The Secretly Rich Man Novel (Invisible or Poorest) Chapter 1347 Nobody would've believed Gerald's statement had they not heard him say it with their very own ears.
Even so, while Rosie had undoubtedly heard his proposal very clearly this time-and was also aware that the special cheque was the real deal-she still had a nagging feeling that Gerald was simply bragging.
While she had no idea how he had even managed to obtain that cheque, Rosie truly wondered if he would really be willing to just hand the money over if she wrote down five billion dollars on the cheque, an amount that Rosie couldn't possibly even dare to raise any further!
Titus himself was too dumbfounded to even close his mouth now!
"It's been two minutes. Have you already thought everything out? If you have, then go ahead and fill in whatever figures you like on the cheque," added Gerald with a subtle smile.
"... You're the one who's suggesting this, alright? I can truly write whatever amount I wish for on this cheque, correct? No take-backs?" grumbled Rosie in her annoyance. "As I've said, any amount you wish for!"
"...Fine! You're filthy rich, aren't you? Then I'm writing down five billion dollars on the cheque!" declared Rosie, still thinking that Gerald was simply bragging.
In her mind, she was wondering if he had watched one too many television dramas in his life. To think that he would actually dare to just hand her a cheque so casually before telling her to fill in any amount tha she wished for! If she didn't know any better, she'd say he was simply mimicking the protagonist of some drama series he watched! Hell, even in dramas, the ones receiving the cheques would still write down manageable amounts of money for the protagonists to pay! Nothing exceeding tens of millions of dollars, that's for sure!
However, since Gerald was still bragging this excessively, Rosie wasn't about to give face to him. Did he truly think that he was some protagonist?!
"I'm warning you, once I write that amount down, the cheque will be effective under the law and you'll have to call the bank immediately to hand me the money! It's still not too late to retract your statement, you know!" said Rosie, giving Gerald her final warning.
"Chairman Slow, please don't take him too seriously!" pleaded Suri-who had been too shocked to even say a word this entire time-out of the blue.
"I've already said it multiple times, any amount you wish for! I've also already notified the bank in advance, so as soon as you write however much you want down, you can instantly go to the bank to have the money transferred directly to you!" replied Gerald with a wry smile on his face as he shook his head in resignation. It was just five billion dollars, right? Was there even a need to make such a huge commotion about it?
"You...! Very well! I'm writing it down right this instant!" said Rosie as she bit her lower lip before writing down that exact amount on the cheque.
Following that, she immediately called up the bank using the number written on the special cheque.
After a short while, the call was picked up and a sweet female voice immediately said, "Good day! You must be Miss Rosie Slow, correct? Please tell me the amount you wrote down on the cheque as well as your bank account number! We'll be transferring the money over to your bank account immediately after!"
Gulping, Rosie then stated the information that the sales personnel had asked for.
Following that, the sweet-sounding lady then immediately began the transferring process while saying, "Thank you! Please wait a moment!"
It was obvious by this point that customers like Gerald didn't even need to be there in person for such transactions. After all, his words alone were the greatest certification, and soon enough, Rosie received the 'transfer successful' notification on her cell phone.
Staring at her phone, Rosie found herself gulping before turning to look at Gerald in her complete disbelief. He truly had just given her five billion dollars!
"... You... How... How could you possibly be this rich...? What if I wrote fifty billion dollars instead of five billion on the cheque just now...?" asked the flabbergasted Rosie.
"So what if you wrote down fifty billion dollars? It's just an extra zero, right? Big deal," replied Gerald.
He truly couldn't imagine why people placed so much importance on money. After all, Gerald himself was constantly wondering how he could just return to living his life as a pauper! Oh, how he missed his relaxing and enjoyable days as a poor person!
"It... It's just an extra zero...?!" exclaimed Rosie, shocked once again by Gerald's words.
Could someone just come over and beat this man up already?! He was simply too much...!
"Regardless, since the payment part is already settled, let's head off!" said Gerald.
"...Head off? Where to...?" asked Rosie curiously.
"Isn't your mother seriously ill? I'll be curing her first and following that, I hope you'll stick to your end of the deal and allow me to borrow you for three days. Once the three days are up, your task will have successfully been completed. If you still feel like the compensation money isn't enough by then, you're free to ask me for more. Hell, if you prefer another cheque like the one from earlier, I'm fine with that too," replied Gerald as he slid a hand into his pocket before walking to the door.
The second he walked past Titus, Titus instantly bowed respectfully toward Gerald while shouting, "Brother!"
He was now regretting judging Gerald solely by his appearance. After all, Gerald was a truly capable and resolute person.