Big Novel

Gerald Crawford: The Secretly Rich Man Novel (Invisible or Poorest) Chapter 1213

The very next day, Yazmin headed to school along with her husband.

Since Naomi had gotten a man to back her up the day before, Yazmin was definitely getting hers to help her as well. Yazmin was sure that the sight of her husband's car alone would be enough to scare the life out of Naomi's man! Humph!

Still, Yazmin would be lying if she said that those weird messages and Thiago's disappearance the day before didn't have her worried. Even after calling him and his men, none of them picked up, and none of them were at Sherry's place either. Where could they be...?

Though Thiago and his men could get a bit wild while enjoying themselves, she also knew them to be very responsible men. It was near-impossible for them not to return her messages after completing their job.

Feeling odd about the entire situation, that was the second reason she was bringing her husband along. Whatever the case was, she knew Sherry's background well so she probably wouldn't be a problem for her.

It wasn't long before they arrived in front of the school building. Since Yazmin's husband was driving the newest BMW 7-series, a group of male students was instantly drawn to it.

"Holy cow! Is that Mrs. Yallop's husband? Not only is he driving a BMW 7-series, but he's also charming?!"

"D*mn! So her husband's a rich heir! By the looks of it, his family must be super powerful too! Though with how luxuriously Mrs. Yallop always dresses, it isn't too surprising that her husband isn't an ordinary man!"

Still, in their high school days, it was common enough for male students to favor talking about games and cars.

Locking her arms around her husband's, Yazmin then stood in front of the car for a brief moment, enjoying every second of how envious and adoring the students were of her and her husband.

After pretending to retrieve some things from the car, Yazmin saw a few of her colleagues coming to work and called out, "Well hello there, Mrs. Shaq! You're early today! And the same goes for you as well, Mrs. Xanders!"

Seeing the smiling woman calling out to them, Mrs. Shaq then replied, "Good day to you too, Mrs. Shaq! Is that your husband! The car he's driving looks pretty new! It must've been expensive!" Though everyone looked enthusiastic to reply to Yazmin's greeting, deep inside, they were all equally upset.

'Why's she even being all proud about that? So what if she has a rich husband and a nice car! Big deal! Still... Why is it that other people always have better lives... There's no way we could ever compete with her!' Thought several of her colleagues who were cursing her in their minds with utter jealousy.

As the female teachers continued putting on a cheery façade while talking with Yazmin, a few male colleagues of Yazmin's showed up.

The moment they all saw the car, they were instantly impressed. One of them was so excited that he immediately said, "Holy! That's a BMW 7-series! It's the newest model in 2020 and it's barely been a few days since it was released into the market! How cool!"

After they continued talking with Yazmin and her husband for a while, one of the female teachers finally found herself unable to hold back anymore as she asked, "When would you be free to take us out on a ride in the car, Mrs. Yallop?"

"Why, anytime, of course! Where would you like to go? My husband can be our driver!" replied Yazmin with a smile.

"Oh, how kind you are, Mrs. Yallop! I'll be thanking you in advance then!"

"I'm just glad you finally realize how nice a person I am! While I know I can be hard to deal with sometimes, but I'm generally a very kind person to those close to me! It's just the way my straightforward personality is! Unlike a very fake teacher of course! You know, the house she bought near our school spans a good hundred and fifty square feet! It's quite obvious where she got the money to buy that house from, given her current financial status!" replied Yazmin.

"I don't know... Maybe she just found a rich husband...?" said one of the male teachers.

"Hah! Her? Tell you what, I've checked the bursary record before and I've already seen what her husband looks like!" replied Yazmin.

"What? How does he look?"
