Big Novel

Gerald Crawford: The Secretly Rich Man Novel (Invisible or Poorest) Chapter 1147

From how pained his voice had sounded as the young lord continued lying on the ground, it was almost as though he was thinking about some unspeakable grief.

"... You... hate women?" inquired Gerald as he couldn't help but stare coldly at the young lord.

"You probably wouldn't believe me even if I explained it to you... After all, from the moment I was born, I've always only been known as the high and mighty young lord of the Holy Witchcraft... While everyone tends to get jealous of me, I can safely say that throughout the years, I've never truly been happy... You know, I've hated that woman ever since I was young... Because of her, I ended up hating all other women! The woman in question... She was my mother!" explained the young lord.

Upon hearing that, Gerald felt his eyelids twitch slightly.

He had never heard of anyone claiming to resent their mother as strongly as the young lord had... After all, who on this planet wouldn't love the one who had birthed them? However, Gerald could sense that the young lord wasn't lying due to the immense pain reflected in the youth's eyes.

Could it truly be that this cruel and unscrupulous man was only the way he currently was due to difficulties he had previously encountered?

"...Why exactly do you hate her?"

"...I was three when my first memory came to be... I... I witnessed that scene right before my very eyes... My mother... She killed my father in front of me!" said the young lord, his voice sounding even more pained than before.

"...I still remember my father's expression back then... Before he died, he had wanted to hold my hand one last time, you know...? As a mere child, I was beyond terrified back then... She didn't have the slightest regret in her at all... Hell, she didn't even care about me! Even after all these years, that scene keeps playing back in my mind... It's like a curse that wishes to continue torturing me till the end of time! "And she wasn't the only one either! Grandma disliked me as well! She kept scolding me... Calling me an illegitimate child... If I wasn't the only child of the Tindall family, I truly believe that I would've already been beaten to death long ago by those two monstrous women... In the end, I took up their surname so I now belong to the Tindalls of the Holy Witchcraft... It's an immense pity that even till this very day, I still don't know what my father's surname is...!"

Following that, the young lord looked up before adding, "You must be thinking how chaotic the relationships within my family are, correct? Humph! ... You see, my father was a live-in husband... I took up my mother's surname and my grandma is actually from the maternal side of the family..."

"Regardless, since I was treated that way by both of them, I've always had an innate feeling that all women are wicked! ...However, I'm also aware that the women I've hurt before this were innocent. You can choose not to believe me, but every time I hurt a woman, I end up repenting for a very long time... Hell, I even wish to compensate the families of the women I've hurt... However, as the young lord, I simply can't do that... I have to constantly obey my grandma's orders... After all, we from the Holy Witchcraft are far more superior compared to anyone else... Due to that, we are expected to be decisive when killing others when we do so!"

"But... I just can't! I can't be decisive when taking an innocent life! However, my grandma keeps wanting me to learn how to kill others! You know, I was already starting to turn wild and evil before my attempt to run away when I was eight..."

"It stemmed from an event that had happened when I was still in first grade... Back then, I got to know a particularly kind girl who went by the name of Lola Leeman... She was the reason why my views began wavering back then... She showed me that such good girls existed in the world as well... While I tried to resist thinking that way for the longest time, eventually, her enthusiasm and kindness ended up touching me. From that point on, we began learning and playing together... Such simple times..."

Laughing slightly bitterly as he reminisced, the young lord then continued, "...We made a promise, you know? That we would marry each other once we grew up... I distinctly remembered her telling me that while we were on our way home from school one day... Upon hearing that, I asked if she would kill me in the future, which resulted in her chuckling all the way home... Naturally, we were just fooling around back then... What would we know about love at that age... That, however, was the last evening I ever met her... She had been killed, and it was only sometime later when I came to learn that the murderer was my grandma!"

Upon saying that, the young lord began crying as he dug his fingers into the ground, holding on to whatever dirt he could, tightly.

"After that happened, I told myself that I would run away as far as I could to distance myself from those two women... With that in mind, I rowed a boat out into sea together with Lola's cremated remains... Afte all, Lola once told me that she loved the idea of watching the sunset while riding a boat... Granting her wish was the least I could do..."

"After rowing for quite a while, I realized that I could no longer tell where the shore was. With the sun quickly setting, I thought that I was definitely going to starve to death out at sea back then. However, it was then when I first bumped into Angelica... She looked extremely beautiful and gentle, and to be frank, her character was very similar to Lola's... At the time, she had been standing atop a wooden boat all dressed in white as she played her flute... She honestly looked like a fairy, now that I think about it..."

Hearing that, Gerald couldn't help but focus more on the young lord's story.

Finnley had previously taught Gerald the mind-reading tactic. After learning it, Gerald found that as long as someone was weaker than him, he would definitely be able to see through them. It was because of that, that Gerald knew that the young lord hadn't been lying this entire time.

What caught his attention, however, was the young lord's mention of a woman dressed in white. How intriguing...

A woman playing a flute atop a wooden boat out at sea when it was nearing dusk... Gerald's mental image of the young lord's description made him feel that the woman in white was definitely an extraordinary person...

"...Regardless, she was the one who had saved me... She was also the one responsible for teaching me a few skills such as bone crush, golden escape, and turtle breathing tactics... She told me to continue training the skills in secret, making sure nobody knows about them... According to her, the skills would eventually help me manage my destiny!" added the young lord as he wiped his tears away.

"...I, Chestar Tindall, have said everything that I've needed to... After letting out all of this, I can't deny that I'm feeling better than ever, knowing that once I'm dead, I won't have to bear this heavy burden anymore... Thank you for taking the time to listen to my story... Before you kill me, please allow me to ask for one final favor from you!" said Chester.

"What is it?" asked Gerald.
