Gerald Crawford: The Secretly Rich Man Novel (Invisible or Poorest) Chapter 1073
After running for quite a while, Gerald finally arrived at the Thousand Sand Ridge. Upon arriving, he quickly found out why the area had been named the way it was. With probably no less than a thousand sand dunes overlapping each other, the inspiration for the area's name was evident.
However, even after looking around for a while, he still couldn't find the ancient well that the Master of the Desert had mentioned about.
It was sometime later-after walking around for quite a bit-when his nose picked up an odd scent, prompting him to look down. At his feet was a pool of blood!
Squinting his eyes, he saw that the blood had traces of dark green in it. That alone was enough to tell him that the blood belonged to the beast.
While Capra Nanny hadn't initially reacted much after Gerald's Dawnbreaker struck her chest, Gerald was sure that he had successfully harmed the beast, consequently causing it great discomfort.
After all, no matter how strong the other party's defenses were, they'd still get seriously injured once they were hit by the Dawnbreaker!
By following the trail of blood, it wasn't long before Gerald finally found where the ancient well was. If it hadn't been for the blood, it would've been extremely difficult to locate it. After all, the well-located north of the Thousand Sand Ridge-was very well hidden, not unlike an obscure cave entrance.
As he approached the well, a horrendous stench filled his nostrils!
"The beast is here!" shouted Gerald as he stared down the well.
Though the smell was truly terrible, Gerald didn't really have any other choice if he wanted to save Giya. Holding his breath, he then leaped into the well!
Noticing that there was water at the bottom, Gerald readied himself for impact before diving straight into it. The well water ran deep and after coming out from the other end, Gerald realized that he was now in some sort of river.
Seeing that the river had an edge, Gerald had a hunch that he was currently in an underground river of sorts.
The moment he swam up to the edge of the river, he quickly realized that the beast was present. At the time, Capra Nanny was staring at both Giya and Meredith's unconscious bodies, her barbed tongue hanging out!
The moment she noticed that someone else was present, she turned around to look. Upon realizing that it was Gerald, she instantly bared her fangs at him, simultaneously exposing her badly injured chest tha was now bleeding profusely.
Gerald's first reaction, however, was to call out, "Giya! Giya, are you alright?!"
Getting no reply and seeing how pale the unconscious girl looked, Gerald turned to look at Capra Nanny next before angrily yelling, "You beast! Let's see you try to escape me again this time!” With that, he tossed the Dawnbreaker at Capra Nanny while simultaneously dashing toward her for an attack! With two dangers to suddenly keep track of, the beast was caught off guard!
As a result, the Dawnbreaker easily pierced through the beast's thick skin and directly stabbed her heart!
With the beast now screaming out in pain, the Dawnbreaker then hovered over to its neck before slashing through it!
Even after that, the monster simply held onto her neck, continuing to scream.
Feeling increasingly anxious about Giya's safety, Gerald then commanded the Dawnbreaker to return to his hand as he held onto Capra Nanny's head and personally decapitated the beast! Once he was done, Gerald continued rushing over to Giya while shouting, "Giya!"
After quickly examining her body for any injuries, Gerald was relieved to find out that Giya had only gone unconscious due to lack of oxygen. As it turned out, Gerald had thankfully arrived before the beast could do anything to the two girls.
However, now wasn't the time to be optimistic just yet. Both the girls were severely out of breath after traveling through the dunes for such a long time. Unfortunately, there was only one method Gerald could use to cure that.
"...I'm sorry, ladies! But I have to do this in order to save you!" muttered Gerald to himself as he began performing CPR on Giya. Naturally, he had to do the same for Meredith. While he didn't like doing it, it was the only way to save their lives.
It was around ten minutes later when Gerald held Giya in his arms. Shaking her slightly, he then said, "Giya...? Giya, how do you feel...?"
A few seconds later, Giya's eyelids twitched as the girl finally woke up.
"...Gerald...?" said Giya as her eyes instantly widened.
As she clung onto his arm tightly in disbelief, Gerald himself came to realize that he had tossed his mask aside earlier due to how anxious he had been! Due to that, she now knew who he was! "I-it really is you, Gerald...!" added Giya, now so excited that she looked like she was ready to burst into tears.
Refusing to let go of his arm, she then continued, "I... I'm not dreaming, am I...? To think that I'd finally be able to see you again, Gerald... Did you know that I've been thinking of you every single day throughout your absence...?"
From how tightly she was hugging onto his arm, it almost seemed like she was worried that this truly was all just a dream, and that he would disappear again once she loosened her grip. Understanding that, Gerald felt an acute pain in his heart.
He could only let her down so much in this lifetime. Gerald simply couldn't bear hurting her any further than this.
Momentarily at a loss of what to even do, he thought to himself for a moment as Giya continued clinging onto his arm.
A short while later, he formed a surprised expression on his face before saying, "...Um... Miss? I'm afraid you've mistaken me for someone else... My name isn't Gerald!"