Big Novel

Aaron stormed behind Alvin while tearing Arnold a new one. "It explained why we couldn't locate him for days. Asher hid him. It's
bad enough that he fooled around with foreigners when he was abroad. He couldn't even show a bit of restraint back in Savrow
and got together with Asher. He's an embarrassment to the family. If Grandpa finds out—”
"Shut up!"
As if Alvin were not infuriated already, the noise only annoyed him further. He was tempted to tear Aaron's mouth apart. "As the
older brother, you are not a better doctor than Arnold, and you aren't impressive in business either. But you can't even handle the
simple task of keeping an eye on your brother. You're good for nothing."
Aaron bit his tongue in rage.
Alvin's eyes were bloodshot. "If you had told me about this sooner, I could've prevented our dirty laundry from being aired. Now,
the whole world knows that we have a gay freak in the family. How am I supposed to hold my head high now?"
"I want to, but Arnold was in Meridan, Dad. You know him. It's not like I can do anything to stop him."
Aaron scowled and hissed through clenched teeth. "You should keep Arnold under lock and key. Don't let him get involved with
the Thompsons anymore, Dad. Keep him away from Asher. I'm disgusted by two men hugging and kissing."
Alvin shared the same sentiment. Heck, he was dying to beat Arnold to a pulp.
The Larsons soon came across two tall men standing there. They commanded attention with their composure.
They were Axel and Declan.
Alvin arrived with his secretary and bodyguards in tow. Yet, the very presence of Axel and Declan carried a powerful stillness.
"Declan." With a straight face, Axel nudged Declan secretly. "I'm panicking a little seeing the Larsons' henchmen. I'm the worst
fighter among us. You better watch my back later."
Declan peered at him and curled his lips. "Relax. I'll protect you like I protect my wife when we fight."
Axel had goosebumps. "That's a good analogy, but don't use it again."
"What do you want, Thompsons?" Finding strength in numbers, Aaron sternly yelled to get brownie points from his father.

Axel scoffed. "You're one to talk. You guys showed up at the hospital with a whole crowd. I question your intentions. None of you
look sick or injured. Are you here to see a shrink?"
Alvin grimaced.
"Axel, who do you think you're talking to?" Aaron pointed at Axel's face angrily.
"The comment is meant for the person who reacted." Axel raised his brow, ”Well , that went over your head. You can't even read
"You!" Aaron wanted to get into a fistfight with Axel but feared losing.
Axel, a legal shark in the courtroom, chewed Aaron up and ate him for breakfast.
"That's enough, Aaron."
Alvin raised his arm with a frown and turned to Axel menacingly. I know Arnold is with you. I want him here. I'm taking him
Axel snapped back, "You can leave. Arnold won't go with you."
"Who do you think you are? Arnold is part of the Larson family. Who are you to make decisions for him?" Aaron shouted angrily.
