Big Novel

As the clock ticked away, Charlie skillfully maneuvered the inconspicuous Chevrolet, his passenger, the jittery Jordan, by his
side. They approached the bustling Zano Manor on its outskirts.
The manor was aglow, a beacon of activity. Black-suited mafia members flanked the entrance, poised as if awaiting a person of
great import.
Charlie grinned at the sight. “Looks like we’re right on time. The Zano clan must have something big going on.”
Jordan, his nerves evident, turned to Charlie. “Mr. Wade, what’s the plan? There must be hundreds out there. Are we really going
in to stir trouble?”
Charlie’s smile remained steady. “Remember our little performance? Just stick close and follow my lead. Watch my eyes, and
you’ll know what to do.”
He added, “Of course, if you’re genuinely concerned, I can handle this alone.”
Without hesitation, Jordan replied, “Mr. Wade, I’m worried, but not scared. Just tell me what to do, and I’ll do it.”
“Good,” Charlie nodded. “Let’s wait for the right moment...”
Inside Zano Manor, Antonio paced outside his daughter Julia’s door, hesitating before he finally knocked.
“It’s me, Julia,” he implored. Silence met his words.
Antonio persisted, “Julia, you must understand, our Sicilian tradition dictates that everything is for the family. My position isn’t for
personal glory or wealth; it’s for the future of our Zano legacy. I hope you’ll prioritize the family’s interests, just as I have.”
A voice from within snapped, “Your ‘family first’ is just your own belief. You can’t impose it on me! If that’s how it is, I’d rather
leave this family!”
Antonio’s voice raised in anger, “Watch your tongue! You’re a girl with Sicily Island blood, and that heritage, even if you marry or
change your name, you must always honor it. The family’s mark is etched in every Sicily Islander’s heart, in their bones and
“To hell with your family’s mark!” the girl retorted. “From now on, I’ll bear my mother’s name! I am no longer Julia Zano! I’m Julia
Zano Chiricella! I’ve long grown tired of the Zano name!”

Antonio’s fists pounded the door. He shouted fiercely, “Julia, if you choose to defy me, then by morning, you’ll be on a plane to
Sicily, tending to your cousin’s farm, shearing sheep for the rest of your days!”
A tense pause ensued.
Antonio’s temper hadn’t abated. Seeing his daughter’s silence, he pressed on with a rising intensity, “Julia, don’t think this will
pass without consequence! I’ll give you three seconds. If you’re resolved to confront me, I’ll arrange your flight immediately!”
His voice grew even louder, “One! Two!”
In the room, a nervous voice pled, “Fine, fine! I’ll do as you say! I’ll do as you say!”
Antonio, somewhat calmer, warned, “That’s more like it. Remember, a Sicilian girl’s duty is to her family.”
The girl sighed in resignation. “Alright, you win. Now please, leave. I need some time to prepare.”
Antonio’s tone grew colder. “You have ten minutes. I’ll be waiting here.”
With a shrug, the girl conceded, “As you wish. If you’re determined to wait, no one can stop you.”
Antonio smirked, adding a final caution, “Julia, don’t think of escaping through the window. I’ve stationed someone outside. If you
try, they’ll catch you and you’ll be headed straight to the airport.”
The girl’s eyes flashed with fury. “You wretch!”
But Antonio, unfazed by his daughter’s outburst, continued, a hint of a smile playing on his lips. “Remember, Julia, a Sicilian girl
dedicates her life to her family. If you betray us, you bring disgrace upon us all. I’d rather see you in Sicily, tending to sheep for
the rest of your days, a stain on the family name.”
“Antonio Zano! I despise you!”
“You may despise me, Julia, but remember...”
Before Antonio could finish, the girl cut in, her voice resolute, “A Sicilian girl dedicates her life to her family! I know, please, no
A brief smile touched Antonio’s lips. “That’s what I wanted to hear.”

Ten minutes later, the door creaked open, revealing a tall, stunning figure. Julia Zano, with her brown hair, green eyes, and
elegant white gown, emerged.
Antonio couldn’t help but marvel, “Julia, you’re undoubtedly the most beautiful girl in all of Sicily!”
With a look of disdain, Julia countered, “I’m not from Sicily. I was born in New York, and I’ve barely spent half a year of my life
there. I want nothing to do with that place!”
Antonio sighed, shaking his head. “Your rebellious phase will last longer than I thought. It doesn’t matter, as long as you heed my
guidance. No need for arguments.”
In tow, Julia followed Antonio into the manor’s grand hall, her eyes scanning the surroundings.
Moments ticked by. Outside the manor, Jordan couldn’t contain his curiosity. “Mr. Jagoan, what are we waiting for?”
Jagoan’s eyes gleamed with anticipation. “We’re waiting for the right moment.”
Surprised, Jordan questioned, “What? The right moment?”
Standing by, Jagoan’s eyes locked onto a black car exiting the manor’s gates. He pointed, excitement in his voice, “That’s our
With that, he flicked on the headlights, flooring the accelerator as the car surged forward.
Inside the black car, Julia, her evening gown pristine white, sped away with determination. She’d feigned a minor wardrobe
malfunction to escape the main hall, finding this unguarded car.
Unaware of the role she was about to play, Julia struggled to brake or swerve as the car hurtled towards the manor’s entrance.
The inevitable collision sent the Chevrolet spinning.
As the mafia members rushed to the scene, they recognized the car and pulled the driver, Julia, from the wreckage.
Startled exclamations filled the air. “Miss?! How did this happen?”
Julia pushed them away, collapsing on the ground, overwhelmed.

Her plan to escape seemed foiled. If her father got wind of this, her chances of fleeing would dwindle further. Her escape routes
were closing.
Just then, the Chevrolet’s door swung open, revealing a man of Asian descent, indignation in his eyes. “Hey, do you even know
how to drive? You caused this mess. Couldn’t you hit the brakes?”
Forced to respond, Julia murmured, “I’m sorry, my car seems to have malfunctioned. I couldn’t stop it...”
“Malfunction?” Jagoan retorted assertively. “This is a Maybach! I don’t buy that it couldn’t stop. Admit it if you lack the skills, no
shame in it.”
Julia, crestfallen, nodded. “You’re right... I’ll compensate you for the damages.”
Jagoan leaned in, resolute. “This car supports my family. With this damage, I won’t survive for long. You owe me at least ten
days of work, a hundred grand. I’m sure a place like this isn’t short on cash. Pay up, I’ve got things to do!”
The Sicilian mafia, in their suits and ties, stood in disbelief. Is this guy deaf? He’s really trying to extort the boss’s daughter right
outside the family’s manor? For a hundred grand, he could buy a much better car!
One of them roared, “You bastard! Blackmailing our lady? Have you lost your mind?”
