In the bright afternoon sunshine, Jack Lee hurriedly packed his bags with essentials for his upcoming journey.
He was about to embark on a thrilling adventure, soaring high above the clouds on a luxurious Gulfstream business jet,
generously provided by the Evans’.
Desmond had already organized a night flight from New York to Aurous Hill on a private plane, which meant that as soon as Jack
landed in New York, he could transfer to the Evans’ large passenger plane, and fly directly to Aurous Hill.
Despite only a few members of the Evans family joining the flight, the entourage accompanying them was extensive.
From housekeepers, assistants, and servants to nearly a hundred well-trained bodyguards, they were all there to ensure the
safety of the Evans family.
As for the private jet itself, it was a sight to behold.
An incredible feat of engineering, the Boeing 748 had been masterfully converted into a private jet, complete with two floors, a
small living room, and two luxurious bedrooms on the upper level.
Meanwhile, the lower level was home to over 100 standard business class seats, and a spacious rest area for the shift crew.
When Jack finally arrived in New York, he was greeted by the buzz of activity emanating from the Evans family and their
entourage, as they boarded their plane in the dedicated hangar.
In the midst of all the hustle and bustle, the Gulfstream business jet taxied effortlessly into the hangar, before coming to a gentle
stop on the parking stand next to the impressive 748.
The cabin door swung open, and a crew member stepped forward to guide Jack off the plane.
Another crew member followed closely behind, helping him carry his suitcase as they made their way towards the impressive
Boeing 748 parked next door.
With the crew leading the way, they soon arrived at the second floor of the 748.
Inside, Desmond was relaxing on a sofa, engrossed in conversation with his parents.
But as soon as he saw the crew bringing Jack up, he jumped up and beckoned him over with a warm smile.
“Hey there, Jack! Come sit with us,” he exclaimed, gesturing towards an empty seat.
“I’ve been waiting for you!”
Jack returned the smile, greeting the two elders affectionately before turning to Desmond with a hint of concern.
“Desmond, your schedule is awfully tight.
Why fly at night? Why not let Uncle Evans and Aunt Evans rest up tonight and fly out tomorrow morning?”
Desmond chuckled ruefully.
“Believe me, it’s not up to me to decide when we fly.”
He admitted, throwing up his hands in defeat.
“But you know what they say, the show must go on.
Let’s just forget about it and enjoy the flight.”
The elderly Mrs.
Evans beamed at Jack, her eyes sparkling with warmth.
“Jack, let’s fly at night.
That way, we can sleep on the plane and arrive feeling fresh and rested.
If we sleep through the flight, we’ll wake up to find that it’s nighttime when we land.
No need to worry about jet lag, just catch up on sleep when we arrive.
We’ll wake up at dawn and be ready to go!”
Desmond couldn’t help but nod in agreement.
“Wow, mom, you’re a genius! Your idea makes perfect sense.
You really have thought of everything!”
Evans waved away the compliment with a smile.
“Oh, stop it.
When it comes to comprehensive consideration, who can compare with you, Desmond?”
As the plane soared through the skies, Samuel Evans, the old patriarch of the Evans family gazed out the window, lost in
After a few moments of silence, he turned to his wife and asked, “Eleanor, where exactly are we headed on this flight?”
Evans patted her husband’s arm reassuringly.
“Didn’t I tell you earlier? We’re flying to Aurous Hill to find Charlie...”
“Charlie?” Samuel Evans repeated, his brow furrowing in thought.
“How old is Charlie now? Is he all grown up?” he asked.
Evans smiled wistfully, her eyes crinkling with age.
“Charlie is already twenty-eight years old... Maybe when we find him, we’ll also find our grandson.”
Samuel Evans froze for a moment, lost in thought.
He stared out the window for a few moments before falling silent once more.
Jack leaned in closer to Mrs.
Evans, speaking in a hushed tone.
“Auntie, is Uncle Evans’s condition getting worse?”
Evans nodded slowly, her expression growing somber.
“It’s getting more and more difficult... We try to explain things to him, but he forgets so easily.
That’s why we need to find Charlie soon, before it’s too late.”
Jack let out a deep sigh, his thoughts turning to Charlie and his miraculous abilities.
“If anyone can help the old man, it’s Charlie... Even if he doesn’t want to see the old couple, he must at least try to help them in
some way.”
As if reading his min