Big Novel

The command center wasn’t surprised to find human DNA in a large ruin, but discovering the warhead of a near-defense gun in
the same location was peculiar.
This finding suggested that the area had been attacked by a near-anti-aircraft gun.
Considering the range of this gun is less than four kilometers, it’s likely that the attack occurred close to the copper mine or
inside it.
It was unclear whether the people inside the copper mine used the anti-aircraft defense guns to attack others, or if outsiders
attacked the copper mine using anti-aircraft defense guns.
The situation was perplexing.
As the team discussed possible scenarios, an adjutant proposed a new idea, “Could the copper mine have suffered a terrorist
As soon as the idea of a terrorist attack was suggested, it gained approval from most people.
Over the years, the Middle East had experienced countless terrorist attacks, and extremists often made significant noise.
Was it possible that Cyprus had become their latest target?
However, the field commander held a different perspective.
He explained that he had consulted with experts and pointed out that the type of anti-aircraft defense gun made in the former
Soviet Union weighed nearly two tons weight.
Once loaded with ammunition and a complete fire control system, it would weigh at least three to four tons.
He then asked to people around him, “Have any of you seen such a gun?”
The commander continued, “Terrorists may have spent a lot of time, but even so, anti-aircraft artillery is not the best tool for
destroying buildings.
Although it is powerful, the caliber is only 30 mm.
Hundreds of shells may not be enough to bring down a building...”

“The fact that the copper mine is in ruins indicates that explosives were used to cause the damage.
So, if terrorists have already destroyed the entire copper mine using explosives, why would they need an anti-aircraft defense
After hearing this explanation, everyone fell into deep thought, trying to make sense of the situation.
The commander’s explanation made perfect sense.
While anti-aircraft guns were indeed powerful, they were no match for the damage caused by the explosion at the copper mine.
It seemed unlikely that terrorists would carry two to four tons of weaponry to execute their plan.
Everyone felt stuck and uncertain of what to do next.
Despite the confusion, excavation work continued at various points within the site.
More warheads were discovered, along with soil containing human DNA.
However, nothing similar had been found at any other excavation sites, leaving the team with more questions than answers.
Samples excavated from other sites revealed only wreckage from the copper mine without any evidence relating to human
remains or anti-aircraft weaponry.
As the sky began to brighten, Victor and his trusted companions made their way to the copper mine.
Along the route, they noticed several convoys of heavy machinery and military vehicles rushing towards the site, which further
heightened Victor’s unease.
Upon reaching a spot three kilometers from the copper mine, Victor decided to stop and seek cover since he had no idea about
the current situation at the site.
Uncertain of what lay ahead, the group sprinted along the coastline to avoid detection.
