Big Novel

“You must be joking,” Emily said, shamefully laughing.
“Sure, I might believe you if you told me I have other problems, but you’re saying my career will be ruined? That’s ridiculous!”
“AECOM is the top design company in the world, listed on the stock market with a market value of over ten billion dollars.
Only a few dozen people in the world hold the title of senior partner at a company like this, and I happen to be one of them...”
“Not only that, but I’m the youngest one among them.
To even be considered for the role of senior partner, a person must earn at least five million dollars per year before taxes.
Some of the top partners even earn more than one hundred million dollars per year.
I just became a senior partner today, and my future is looking bright...”
“So who are you to say my career will suffer a crushing blow? You say that just by looking at me? That’s a joke.”
“I can see that you are quite pleased with yourself today,” Charlie said, remaining patient despite his anger.
“But the hostility in your brow is too heavy, indicating that you are not a good-natured person...”
“Additionally, your eyes are large and slightly prominent, which suggests that you are narrow-minded and harbor hidden malice.
Your lips are thin, and you speak with a sharp tongue, which is typical of those who are sarcastic and enjoy causing trouble.
It’s no surprise that you often find yourself in difficult situations.”
Emily sneered and asked, “Oh, so now you’re resorting to personal attacks, huh, feng shui reader? What’s wrong with my big
eyes and thin lips? Is it really that easy for me to cause trouble? Why don’t you compliment my looks and say I’m pretty and tall
with a good figure?”
Charlie laughed and said, “I was just about to say, your upward-tilted eyes and downward-shaped mouth are the hallmarks of a
charming face.
The mole between your eyebrows is like a lying silkworm, adding to your charm...”

“It’s no exaggeration to say that you were born with charming bones, and the joy and momentum you’re experiencing today only
enhance your natural charm.
To be honest, your looks and body have played a significant role in your career luck.
But whether you choose to believe it or not is up to you.”
Emily was caught off guard by this and stammered, “Y-you don’t just spout nonsense here.
I’ll have you know that I’ve gotten to where I am today through hard work and struggle, not just relying on my looks and body.”
Charlie bristled and replied, “From what I can see on your face, every step up in your career has been aided by your
Whether or not you want to accept that is up to you.
But either way, it’s the truth.”
Emily angrily sneered, “I told you to stop with the personal attacks.
Do you really think I won’t have a lawyer sue you? What’s the point of your nonsense here? I’m lucky today, on my way to the
Where’s this crushing blow you talked about?”
