Big Novel

Charlie’s words shocked the government commander! Before that, he had never thought about what Charlie said.
But now, he suddenly felt that what Charlie said seemed very reasonable.
At this time, Charlie stared at him closely, and said seriously, “For you, Dragon Temple is the gauze used to wrap wounds! When
the wound keeps bleeding, you especially need gauze to help you stop the bleeding and heal the injury.
But if the wound is healed, you will not let the bloody gauze stick to you all the time, and you will also want to take off the gauze!”
“And the gauze itself, if it wants to stay with you, you must keep your wounds from healing and stay bleeding forever! If the
gauze wants to take up more of you, find a way to cut more wounds in you! Until you’re covered in this gauze!”
Charlie’s words completely frightened the commander of the government forces.
He can already imagine that in the future Syria, under the shadow of the Dragon Temple, will be in full swing, full of fire, and
never at peace.
Charlie looked at each other, word for word with a warning, “Think of America, Commander! You have suffered in the Middle East
for a long time, the United States under the banner of humanity to your Middle East, and even sent troops to invade many
Do you think he is really for your peace and tranquility? You must understand that they’re just trying to get your oil resources
under their control for a long time! They are the source of your pain!”
Speaking of which, Charlie reached out to Calum, and said coldly, “These people, and the United States is no different, if you still
do not recognize this, then you will be tortured by these parasites to death!”
The government commander turned grim.
At this moment, he completely believed Charlie’s words.
He believed that the Dragon Temple was not here to help them, but to kill them with a knife.
Calum near him, when we heard this, he could not help but shake.
He was so frightened that he wondered, “How does this guy know the Lord’s plan?”

“Lord Wesley really has long planned on the Dragon Temple in Syria to establish a base, then immediately secretly support the
new opposition, so that Syria continues to be mired in civil war, then the Dragon Temple will always be needed by the
government forces to rely on, and naturally can also use this to ask the government forces for more resources ...”
“But how does Commander Hamid’s army division know this? The Lord’s plan for Syria is parasitic! The Dragon Temple was first
tempted to help Syria clear the opposition, so that Syria willingly opened the door and let the Dragon Temple take root.”
