Big Novel

Charlie had just returned from meeting Hamid only a day ago, so he had a very clear view of Hamid’s situation.
Hamid was dangerously low on resources and money.
Hamid’s two thousand strong military force had no means to make any money, but continually spent funds to maintain its
helicopters and armored vehicles.
It also spent a significant amount on maintaining and feeding its people and animals.
Given how remote they were, most of their money came from foreign influences.
While Charlie had a generous amount of money available he could spend to help Hamid win his war, he was mindful of the
global climate.
This was a civil war.
Generally speaking, private individuals from foreign countries did not invest in these endeavours, nor did their governments.
If he funded Hamid, there would be a paper trail leading back to him.
If someone were to complain about that paper trail, it would create an unnecessary burden on himself.
However, with Zayne so conveniently available he formulated a plan to help Hamid.
And in doing so, gain an additional favor.
He would send Zayne to Syria, where Hamid could watch over him all hours of the day, while at the same time Zayne would
donate millions in USD to help Hamid’s cause as well as feed his people.
Hamid would of course remember the investment.
As for whether the Banks Family got into trouble because of their financial assistance to Hamid later on? That wasn’t Charlie’s
Charlie turned to Zayne, “You have two hours to prepare $50 million USD.
I’ll arrange a plane to Syria for you.

Before you arrive there the $50 million will have been transferred to my friend’s account.
Otherwise, I’ll have you tied to a tank 24 hours a day.”
Both of the Banks daughters held worried and distressed expressions, however Charlie cared little for their dissatisfaction in how
he spoke to their father.
In a cold sweat Zayne cried out to Charlie, “Mr. >Wade, I can pay the money necessary, just don’t send me to the frontlines!”
Charlie smirked, and nodded, “Then I will introduce you to the packages you have available for your Syrian holiday.”
Zayne looked at him, dumbfounded as he thought “What does Charlie mean by packages?”
Charlie spoke, disrupting his confusion “It’s quite simple, that basic package of your Syrian vacation is $50 million USD.
For that $50 million USD payment, you’ll be able to enjoy the most basic meals a few times a week.
Maybe some noodles.
You’ll even be able to stay near a mud hut! However, you won’t get to stay inside, that’s not part of the package.
You’ll have the luxury of seeing that mud hut while you get to sleep with the cattle!”
Zayne’s heart is gone.
“For $50 million!” Zayne thought to himself “How much of a devil is this man? I can’t even live in a mud hut, but only see if from a
bullpen? What the hell!”
Charlie smirked at Zayne’s complicated expression, and continued, “If you add an additional $10 million USD, you can opt for the
$60 million package.
You’ll be guaranteed at least one meal a day and will be accommodated with a nice, big, windowless cellar room.”
