Big Novel

Everyone in the plane’s cabin was shocked speechless when Charlie’s voice came over the radio.
Vasily’s entire world view was completely subverted, and a moment later he spoke in quiet bewilderment, “How is this possible?”
With relief layered over his shock, Zack Lyles turned to the Russian “Vasily, was it possible you made a miscalculation?”
“Impossible,” Vasily said with conviction “I’ve skydived for over half my life, my calculations are never wrong!”
Frowning in confusion, Zack Lyles muttered “Then I really don’t understand how...”
Isaac Cameron finally broke his silence, “Don’t worry, the true strength of our young master is beyond normal understanding.
Let’s head back with peace of mind, and prepare to meet the young master at the extraction point!”
The large 4 prop transport plane made a wide loop in the air, heading back to the Labaneese capital.
Charlie concealed his presence completely, from the middle of the eastern slope down to the mountain base.
Long, dark shadows covered the terrain due to the thick storm clouds raging overhead, further hiding him from the rebel soldiers.
Between the dark overcast sky, the anxiety of seeing five comrades struck to ash by lightning, and their general restlessness, it
would be near impossible for any of the rebels to notice Charlie infiltrating their valley stronghold.
Soon Charlie was only steps away from the outer wall of the rebel village.
The low dirt walls surrounding the village before him were riddled with bullet holes from previous attacks.
Having been built in a narrow valley, the village was laid out into crescent shaped formations on either side of the road that ran
north to south through the village, and out of the valley at both ends.
With most of the perimeter wall standing only 2 meters high.
The northern and southern entryways consisted of large stone archways, and were guarded by groups of rebel soldiers.
Along the earthen walls surrounding the village, soldiers armed with AK’s walked back and forth, and more sentries were posted
on the roofs of the various buildings making up the bulk of the village.

Observing the soldiers, Charlie noticed the various patrols and sentries weren’t diligent in their duties, loosely holding their
firearms as they paced, and casually completing their rounds.
Although the rebels were rather poorly equipped, they appeared to be combat hardened veterans.
It also seemed they relied on their strength of numbers, and their offensive and defensive tactics matched that of their own
government and Kurdish enemies.
Basically, jump in a truck with a bed mounted .50 caliber machine gun for supporting fire, and attack as a group.
Charlie smirked, they were making the most elementary of mistakes by not assuming the possibility of a lone infiltrator.
They were guarding against the possibility of a large assault alone.
Charlie quietly snuck through a noticeably large gap between a group of lax sentires, and with the nimbleness of a tiger ran up
and climbed over the village wall, silently landing on the other side.
