Aurous Hill Archway is an authentic local catering business in Aurous Hill, there are several branded restaurants within the city
specializing in authentic Aurous Hill cuisine that is a well received favorite among the locals..
When they arrived at the entrance of Aurous Hill Archway, .Riley spoke to Benita “My ancestors were natives of Aurous Hill going
back three generations.
From birth to adolescence, I lived in Aurous Hill.
Later I went to the United States to study and took root.
I’ve finally returned after living in the United States for decades, and I suddenly felt that the food of my hometown was too
So we’ll come here and have a bite of authentic Aurous Hill cuisine.”
He then asked Benita “But you’ve lived in Aurous Hill for many years, have you grown tired of the food?”
Benita smiled slightly and said “As a matter of fact, I’ve never been picky about what I eat.
While I lived in the orphanage, I never minded the soup and water.
Later, when I worked construction, I felt pretty good even with steamed buns every day.”
.Riley couldn’t help sighing.
“The way you lived before you were eight is something few people will ever experience, and then you fell to the very bottom of
How did you adapt?”
Benita smiled “From a very young age my parents taught me not to be materialistic and to not grieve for myself, so there was
nothing to adapt to.
I’m content with whatever comes, whether it be the most luxurious meal, or a simple bowl of rice.
To me there really is no difference.”
.Riley said with reminiscence “You are exactly the same as your mother.
When we were undergraduates, not only did she win a full scholarship through her ability, but she also worked in a local
restaurant every day.
She was very frugal with her food and clothing, never extravagant or wasteful.”
“I remember at the end of each semester your mother would use all the money she saved for the semester to travel.
Since she was a backpacker who traveled cheaply, we all thought your mother must’ve come from a poor family, we had no idea
the strength of your mother’s family is the best among Chinese in the world...”
Benita said with a smile: “She was indeed in my impression very frugal, she always taught me how to save instead of waste.” He
chuckled, “Even a grain of rice wasn’t allowed to be left over when we finished eating.
My dad was very similar to her, neither of them cared for materialism.”
.Riley agreed “Your mother and father came together during a time where they were supposed to be young and frivolous, but
each had grown out of materialistic desires and both acquired a more low-key taste.
Unlike the rest of us, they were more concerned with generating wealth and fame every day.”
With that, .Riley stepped into the restaurant and beckoned Benita to follow.
Benita accompanied him into the lobby, which was already crowded with people.
This restaurant is very similar to the tea houses of Eastcliff.
The main floor caters to large crowds, creating a loud and chaotic environment that people seemed to enjoy.
At the very center of the first floor is a small stage for people to play and sing local operas.
Currently, there were two actors singing opera on the stage.
.Riley pointed out a staircase to Steven.
“Josef, I’ve reserved a table on the second floor.
It’s much quieter up there, so let’s head up.”
They climbed up to the second floor, finding a warmer and quieter ambiance.
The waiter noticed them as they crested the stairs, and rushed over.
“Professor Riley, you’re here!”
.Riley nodded and smiled.
“It should be my old seat, I called the manager.”
The waiter said: “The manager has already told me.
Please, come with me.”
The table that .Riley reserved was next to a window.
It was a small, square wooden table that allowed seating for four.
Benita and .Riley sat across one another with the window at their side.
.Riley pushed a menu towards Benita “Josef, take a look.
See what looks good for you.”
Benita waved his hand and smiled: “Come now Uncle Riley, what would you order? I’ll follow your example” he suddenly noticed
two familiar figures just past .Riley’s shoulder, sitting at the next windowed table.
These were the same two people he saw from .Riley’s office window.