Chapter 0246
Alexander POV
Ella was looking up at me wide-eyed. I could tell that she was surprised by what I was telling her. I was surprised too. It wasn't something I had intended to confess yet the words came so easily.
There wasn't much about my past that I had told her. In fact, as I took a sip of my drink I couldn't think of a single thing I told Ella about myself. At least, not anything that she couldn't have learned from others.
It almost seemed unfair seeing as she'd been fairly open with me about her past. Yet there were those shadowy parts, the secrets she was obviously keeping that would reveal how it was she got the information that she had.
I smiled to myself as I thought of it. The two of us with all of our secrets were doing our best to work together, trusting each other implicitly despite not having a strong reason to. It made no sense, and yet I was grateful for it.
I took a sip of the sweet alcohol, letting my mind wander.
I found myself thinking for the 100th time that there was something almost magical about Ella. I was drawn to her like a moth to a bright flame. She was difficult to resist.
Her hand landed on my wrist suddenly. I looked at her questioningly and she smiled brightly up at me.
My heart stuttered at the gentle look on her face and the feeling of her skin on mine. It was even harder to resist her when she did things like this.
"Yes?" I asked, resisting the urge to pull her closer.
"I have one more thing to show you," she said excitedly.
"This is already too much," I said softly.
It was almost overwhelming, truly. People were never so considerate of me. I couldn't remember the last time someone went out of their way to do something for me without having an ulterior motive.
Suspicion rose in me momentarily, but I forced it aside. Ella wasn't like that.
"It's not too much," she argued. "You deserve it!"
She pulled my arm and led me toward the observation deck. Sitting on one of the plush recliners was a gift bag. It was a plain brown bag with white tissue paper sticking out of the top. I lifted it and was surprised by the weight.
"What's the occasion?" I asked, half joking.
"Call it a wedding gift," she said with a smile.
I pulled the tissue paper out to reveal a dark blue fabric beneath. I pulled the item out to discover that it was a racing jacket. My heart stuttered as I saw the name of my old team emblazoned across the back.
"How on earth did you pick this out?" I asked in shock.
"I called Michael," she explained. "I asked him if you had a favorite team and he said you liked this one."
I nodded and turned the jacket over in my hands. A million memories flooded my mind. It seemed like a different lifetime since I had raced, yet I remembered it so well.
I smiled at Ella, hoping that my expression would show some degree of my true appreciation. "Thank you."
"You're welcome," she said happily. She looked so proud of herself.
Chapter 0746
I wanted to tease her, but nothing came to mind. She really had found the perfect gift for me and I was very grateful.
The sound of engines cut through the air and Ella jumped slightly. She turned to
face the track and her eyes were wide with wonder as she watched the cars move towards the starting position.
"It's going to start soon," she said in awe. “I'm glad we made it in time."
"So am I," I replied, though I hadn't taken my eyes from lier.
Ella went back into the room and retrieved her glass, then hurried back to the observation deck and sat down.
After a seconds pause I sat beside her. Ella was focused on the track, but I kept finding my eyes drifting to her.
I might never get used to her, I realized. We'd known each other for a while now, but she was still finding ways to surprise me. I couldn't think of a more complex person that I knews.
Ella was so sweet and innocent in some ways, yet strong and steadfast in others. She was ruthless to those that crossed her, yet kind and thoughtful to her allies.
I was lucky to be on the right side, I realized. If I had made an enemy of her, who knew what she could do to me. She knew so much about me without explanation. I was lucky she was using it to my benefit.
Hooked down at the jacket in my hands and sighed softly. In another life, maybe what Ella and I had could have been real.
The race was starting, and Ella was staring at the track with obvious excitement. Yet, I found myself watching her face.
Her place at my side was a true gift to me, though I could never tell her that.
Ella POV
Alexander kept the jacket on his lap for the entire outing. I kept catching him stroking the embroidered logo and
team name.
The jacket had been almost an afterthought, as I had wanted him to have something to actually open. I was glad now that I had bought it.
He was obviously moved by the gift. I hadn't expected such a strong reaction from him, and I was glad that I was able to do something for him that was impactful.
As I watched the cars tear around the track at insane speeds I found myself trying
to picture Alexander down there. It made my heart clench with fear just thinking of
I could understand why he had to stop when he became the alpha. His pack
needed him and this looked incredibly dangerous to me.
At the same time, I could see the appeal.
My heart was racing just from watching the cars sail past each other. I could see Alexander becoming addicted to the sense of danger and control that it would bring.
The adrenaline combined with the thrill of victory would be hard to give up.
I looked at him, wondering if there was anything he hadn't sacrificed for the good
of his pack.
His bright eyes were fixed on the track and the fingers of his right hand were gently caressing the jacket. He seemed to be focused on the race. There was a slight crease in his brow that told me he was focused.
Chapter 0246
There was a slight twitch of his mouth as he smiled slightly The static voice of the announcer told me that someone had just overtaken the the car ahead of him. Alexander must have been impressed by this.
He glanced at me suddenly and our eyes met. I was frozen as I stared back at him. It felt like something powerful passed between us, though I couldn't name it. Then he looked back at the track and the moment passed. I turned my eyes to the race as well, though I could feel a smile on my face that I made no attempt to hide.
I wanted to show Alexander my gratitude and I had managed in better than I hoped. He was enjoying himself, that was obvious. And as an added bonus, he had opened up to me just a little bit about who he really is beneath the surface.
The more I learned about him, the more I liked him. Hopefly, this was just the beginning.